Got it all hooked up and running. I just have to say that they DVR is 100x better than the Comcast box not to mention that you can pick up where you left off on any other box in the house. The HD channels are crisp and color is great. One other little nice thing is how they set up the HD channels. The local channels in HD are in the 300s and if you want Channel 3 you go to 303 not some crazy number. It makes it easy to get to the HD channel.
The internet is fast and when testing on I get a ping of 5 ms as opposed to 30-40ms with Comcast.
The home phone is clear and loud enough. I don't use it much but I will be trying so I can give them feedback on it.
The only downside I've found so far is with the hardware. It has all the latest connections but it lacks a RCA style SPDIF audio output so if you're home stereo doesn't have optical there is no other choice other than HDMI to get the digital sound.
I've also experience slight audio trouble where the sound was muffled and static sounding. A reboot of the box cleared it right up.
I spent about 30 minutes going through the Guide setting programs to record and with the 4 tuner (3 HD at once) I only ran into two conflicts.
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